Pump Track Information and Links

This page will provide links to all kinds of information on the proposed Hawkenbury Pump Track.


The first link is to the slide pack presented at the Tunbridge Wells Town Forum in January 2020.  This set of slides was also used at the drop in at the Royal Victoria place last year.  The slides provide an overview of what a pump track and the potential benefits to users and the community.

Click the following link to see the slide ->  Hawkenbury Pump Track Presentation 2020



Harry Molloy, his dad Paul and their friend Zack have provided the HVA with a video which demonstrates that  a pump track is for all ages and it can be a family affair with all ages having fun.  Harry is a professional downhill mountain bike rider from Tunbridge Wells and competes in the UCI Downhill World Championship.  Riding pump tracks help provide you with basic bike handling skills but importantly are a lot of fun.  Check this link to Harry’s bio.  Harry Molloy MTB  to find out more about Harry.

Check this link  Harry Molloy Hawkenbury Pump Track Video to see the video by Harry taken at Gillingham pump track which explains why he thinks a pump track is a great idea for Hawkenbury.


Claire HItchings a local athlete who has represented Great Britain in Duathlon and Triathlon, winning a world championship in her age category has backed the installation of the pump track.  See the following link  to a video where Claire and her daughter Flavia explain the reasons for their support.  Kent athlete Claire Hitchings pledges support Hawkenbury Pump Track


Whats it like to ride a pump track you may ask?  Well the HVA went to Newhaven where a very popular pump track was installed in the summer of 2019 and created  point of view video so you can see.

Click the link to find out!  -> Whats is like to ride pump track?


Pump tracks are an asset to the community and are being installed up and down the country.  They are somewhere young people can come an learn new skills, get fit and make new friends.  A good example of a positive affect on a community is Wishaw in Scotland where the installation of the pump track has had many tangible benefits so much so the council used it as an example for others.

See the report in the following link ->  Wishawhill Wood Pump Track


If you are a user of Facebook you can keep up to date with a page dedicated to promoting the Hawkenbury Pump Track and features pictures and videos of pump tracks being built and ridden all over the world.
