Hawkenbury Village Blog

Crescent Road closure

Crescent road closure Crescent Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells, will be closed from Saturday 15 January for seven days to allow SE Water to carry out essential work. A diversion will be in place. The Crescent...

Have you received your members newsletter?

The Winter 2021 edition of the HVA members newsletter was emailed recently, and we hope you enjoyed it. If you did not receive your copy, please email admin@hawkenburyvillage.co.uk with your account name or email...

Christmas bin collections 2021

TWBC has announced on their website the following regarding Christmas and New Year Collection dates: There will be changes to your waste and recycling collection days over the Christmas and New Year period. Your...

KCC launches Winter Service page

KCC has launched a page dedicated to helping us this winter. It includes: Gritting updates Weather reports Advice on staying safe on the roads Reporting an empty salt bin Cold weather payments KCC building...

West Kent Neighbourhood Watch – Christmas tip

You can read ‘Watchout’, the newsletter from West Kent Neighbourhood Watch here but this is a useful tip from their latest issue. “When Christmas is over and you are discarding the empty cardboard boxes...

The Santa Sleigh is coming to town

Tunbridge Wells Round Table is delighted to announce that the Santa sleigh, which collected a whopping 5T of food for Nourish in 2020, is back…. Santa has checked his routes… please see https://www.rtwrt.org/santa-sleigh for...

New comedy nights at The Lyle

NEW COMEDY NIGHTS…..at The Lyle Starts THIS Sunday, 5th December in their brand new HEATED Cocktail Grotto with Hal Cruttenden and Out of Bounds Comedy £10 pp tickets on sale, first come first served….so...

TWBC consultations open so have your say

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council has 2 consultations open, so you can have your say on: Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 – 2026 Budget consultation 2022/23 In each case there is some background...

Help to shape Kent library services

Kent County Council want your views to help shape future library services, as well as reminding us about the 99 libraries and library services open across the county. You can get involved in various...

Teddy Mayor’s Toy Appeal

The 2021 Tunbridge Wells Mayor’s Toy Appeal is now open! The wonderful volunteers helping Father Christmas with this great cause will be pleased to receive your donated gifts of new toys. You can deliver...