Planned Expansion of Hawkenbury Recreation Ground Renewed

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4 Responses

  1. Alan Goss says:

    The previous application has not actually expired due to the Covid extension granted. It is noted that the updated Planning Statement has changed from ‘No Buildings’ to including a 30m x15m brick building. While the car park capacity has increased the TS makes no mention of the effect of additional traffic on the Halls Hole Road/Forest Road junction and what might be done to improve that. Parking and traffic on Hawkenbury Road has also changed with the new controls and Hawkenbury Farm development and they are including use of the extended existing car park. If the pump track happens in the Rec there could be more traffic particularly at weekends. Of course if it is then slid from a change of use/pitch application to a sports hub it would all need to be reconsidered anyway, although the principle of change of use would be established.

    • Lianne May-Kirkham says:

      Thank you Alan. This is what the case officer at TWBC planning had to say:

      “ This application is not for the development relating to draft allocation Policy AL/RTW 19 of the Pre-Submission Local Plan (the new stadia sports hub). It is a re-submission of application 17/03232/FULL for additional sports pitches, as the extant planning permission is due to expire on 1 May 2021.

      The application would fall to be determined primarily against Policy AL/RTW 30 of the 2016 Site Allocations Local Plan, which specifically allocates the site as an extension of Hawkenbury Recreation Ground to form additional playing fields/recreation grounds for sports pitches and other outdoor recreation facilities.

      The land has not been purchased by TWBC and remains in the ownership of Mousden Farm. Notice of the application has been served on the owners, as certified by Certificate B of the application form.”

  2. HallettBD says:

    HI Lianne, I believe you are correct this application only changes the change of land use and an outline of what could replace it. It doesn’t provide reader with the full picture I agree!

  3. Lianne May-Kirkham says:

    Just to clarify, this is a re-submission of the application from 2017 which has been allowed to lapse. It is only concerned with the change of land use from agriculture to leisure as TWBC still intend to obtain the land via CPO in future. As stated by TWBC, the pitches on this application should not to be thought of as actual plans for consideration because as we know, the plans for this site are dependant on the adoption of the Local Plan which includes the Sports Hub as well as the new stadium for TWFC. It could be argued that this application gives a false representation of what to expect if it is passed.

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