Welcome to the Hawkenbury Village Association. The Association was formed in 1994 and is an inclusive, non-political association. We represent the interests of our members and the wider community.

The Association’s primary purpose is to make a positive contribution to our lives in Hawkenbury.

To achieve this:

  • We will keep you updated with regular newsletters, either electronically or by post,
  • We will inform you of county and local authority objectives and plans for Hawkenbury and the wider community that may impact on us,
  • We will inform you of any planning applications or notices that may impact on Hawkenbury,
  • We will work with the local council to ensure that any monies, from local developments, are spent to improve the local area,
  • Encourage you to express your views on these and other matters relating to the village,
  • We will collate these views and present them to local council and county as appropriate,
  • and, we will maintain a sound financial base.

We have in the past:

  • Consulted on the AXA PPP expansion at International House, along with the ensuing parking issues,
  • We have engaged with Berkeley Homes on the Hawkenbury Farm site and gained some concessions through this process.
  • Campaigned for and achieved a 30 mph lit sign on Forest Road,
  • Campaigned for and achieved more play equipment for the children’s play area,
  • Campaigned for and were successful in getting a new cricket pavilion built,
  • Supported adult gym equipment for the Recreation Ground,
  • and many more planning applications and other issues over the years.

Some of the current issues that we face and are addressing are:

  • The road being built in the High Woods,
  • Consulting with the council on their Local Plan to 2033 and the impact on Hawkenbury,
  • Keeping an eye on the Berkeley Homes development,
  • Consulting on the parking restrictions due to be implemented in Hawkenbury,
  • and campaigning for a 20mph speed limit on Hawkenbury Road.

The Association holds its Annual General Meeting in May and it is open to all members. The committee meet every 4 – 6 weeks and members are welcome to come to the committee meetings. We are also planning on having a regular family picnic day in September every year. More on that in the newsletter.

Through your continued membership, we are able to continue with this work and keep you informed of what is happening in your community. We invite anyone to join and help build our community. Membership is currently £5 per annum (as of 2021). Once you sign up, you will get our regular newsletter informing you of what is happening locally. We’ll also email you if anything urgent comes up.

Annual Household Membership