West Kent Neighbourhood Watch – Christmas tip
You can read ‘Watchout’, the newsletter from West Kent Neighbourhood Watch here but this is a useful tip from their latest issue.
“When Christmas is over and you are discarding the empty cardboard boxes and packages from all your presents, please do not display them outside by your dustbin for would-be thieves to see as they pass by. They may well see an item they actually want and will know it is in your house.
Cut all cardboard and packages up as small as you can so as not to display them in any way.
Why should would-be thieves be able to break in to your property and steal something you have worked hard to buy? Remember in the excitement of the Christmas festivities to lock doors and windows and leave a light on when leaving your property.
It only takes an opportunist thief a few minutes to break in and steal your valued items. Be alert at all times.”
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